We Build Utah Career Exploration & Job Fair - So Utah (04.03.25)
The AGC of Utah and Southern Utah University have partnered to bring the WeBuildUtah Career Exploration and Job Fair to Cedar City. This event aims to allow all surrounding high school students to experience architecture, engineering, construction, interior design and more via hands-on experiences. In addition to the hands-on learning experiences, the students are encouraged to network with employers and obtain summer internships. The event also serves as a job fair for current or potential job seekers within the SUU community. This includes college and trade students from surrounding schools.
This event is Free to attend.
Vendors are $200. This covers the table/space rental for the event. Vendors are also asked to bring a gift worth at least $100 to the event to be drawn at mid-day.
(There is no need to list each individual attending the event as registering this way would charge for each individual.)
$2000 Platinum (Lunch Sponsor) Includes: Logo on AGC Website, Event Fliers/Banners, Social Media Post, Verbal Recognition at Event & Premium Booth Space
$1500 Gold Sponsor Includes: Logo on AGC Website, Event Fliers/Banners, Social Media Post & Booth Space
$1000 Silver Sponsor Includes: Logo on AGC Website, Event Fliers/Banners & Booth Space
$500 Bronze Sponsor Includes: Logo on Event Fliers/Banners & Booth Space
100% of the proceeds go to the AGC of Utah Scholarship Fund.
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 3, 2025
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
Setup begins at 8:00 AM the day of the event. High School Students will attend from 9:15 AM to 11:30 AM. College Students will attend from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. If you need to drop off equipment the day before, please arrange with ktolleson@agc-utah.org.
Southern Utah University
Parking Lot #10
Cedar City UT 84720
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